Copyright Information

You have limited rights to personally view the images with your web browser and to use them as your personal computer wallpaper (or background image) on your own computer. Otherwise these photos may not be reproduced, distributed, cropped, resized, not to be posted on any website, discussion forum, message board, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other social media, newsgroup post or otherwise altered without the written (email is acceptable) permission of Steven W. Lewis. No commercial use of these photos may be made again without the written permission of Steven W. Lewis. You may not use any of my photos on any web page, commercial or non-commercial, for profit or non-profit, without written permission from the photographer. All rights are reserved. All photos are protected by US copyright laws.


What does FAR148 mean?

Not telling but willing to entertain what you think it means.

Why do you only build What-if models?

I've been building models for over 40 years now. Started out building them as toys because companies did not make planes I wanted to play with. Through out high school, I built for competitions and won a few awards. But it quickly got tiresome. I found I was spending more time researching than building along with having to correct the joy there. I continued to build during college, that's when I knew I really love building things that is born in imagination and not reality. After college, I didn't build much but that's when my love affair with photography started. But in Sept of 2007, I got "the itch" to build again. But I told myself "If it's not fun, I'm not building it and I'm only working on it when I feel like building and not when I have time to build". So, I started working on my IAF A-10I "Chazir", which took 567 days to complete. After that, I never looked back at building anything "Real".

Can I have a high res copy of one of your images?

Send me an email, and let's see what we can work out.

What program(s) do you use to make your profiles?

Adobe Photoshop CC and line drawings in Illustrator