Royal Air Force Hunter/Killers Drones

Here’s my Scratchbuilt 48 scale Hunter/Killer drones. This project began back in August of 2019. Master parts for the fuselage started from a Hasegawa F-4 drop tank and a piece of Su-34 tail boom from Hobbyboss 48 scale kit. The wings, horizontal stabilizer and tail planes master parts made from sheet styrene. All master parts were molded and pressure cast. The pitot tube in horizontal stabilizer is a steel pin. The vertical fins on horizontal stabilizer are resin. The upper sensor on nose of drones is a rhinestone. The surface details around the upper sensor is vinyl tape. All panel lines were scribe in with Dymo tape and Starrett pocket scriber. Weapon pylons are resin. Air launch pylon on top of both drones is a resin copy of a F-16 centerline pylon. Intake plugs are colored resin poured in place. The afterburner nozzles are from AFV Club 1/48 ROCAF F-CK-1C. Nozzles plugs made from sheet styrene. The chaff/flare box on the underside is a resin copy from Hasegawa 48 scale A-4 kit. Drone carts are made from resin copied parts from Skunkmodels Workshop missile cart kit and scratchbuilt parts.


The Hunter 

Targeting pod in lower nose is a resin copy from god know what kit. The side cheek sensor are resin copies from Revell’s 48 scale Rafale. The navigation pod is modified resin copy from Hasegawa Weapon set D along with the Data pod. 


The Killer

The Brimstone missile are modified resin copies from Revell 1/48 scale AH-64 kit. The missile rails are from the same kit. 


Paint schemes

Based on based on one of Gekko_1 F-104 profiles 

All paint Testors Model master 

Preshaded panel lines flat black.


Camo scheme for Hunter 

Underside horizontal stabilizer is FS 36375 light ghost gray

Upper camo is FS 36081 Euro 1 gray and FS 33613 Radome tan


Camo scheme for Killer 

Underside horizontal stabilizer is FS 36375 light ghost gray

Upper camo is FS 30219 Dark tan and FS 33613 Radome tan


Detail areas on both

Afterburner nozzles were painted in Testors Buffing Metallizer Titanium and buffed with graphite powder. The area behind the afterburner nozzles was painted in Testors Buffing Metallizer Stainless steel and sealed with Future. The bluing was done with Tamiya weathering master set (dull blue). Exhaust stains behind nozzle done with Tamiya weathering master set (Gun metal) and tape. Fuselage stains done with Tamiya weathering master set (Gun metal and orange rust). Panel line wash done with watercolors. Flat coat Alclad Klear Kote matt. 



Xtradecals 1/72 BAe Hawk Mk 1 set

Various stencil from different sets. 


Carts paint 

Testors Model Master FS 34079 Dark green and FS 13538 Chrome yellow 

Wash in watercolors and weathering done with Prismacolor Metallic Silver color pencil and Mirado Black Warrior HB pencil

Oily stain done with Amno MiG Fresh engine oil



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Republic of China Air Force Forward-swept wing IDF F-CK-1C


Republic of Korea Air Force RF-20E