USAF Mudhen

This project was a combination of two inspiration sources. The first is this paint scheme made by “Panther G” and this image of an IAF F-15D carrying an Air-launched Ballistic Missile (ALBM). After completing my Forward swept wing F-CK-1C, I wanted a simple built. So, the only major modeling work was making the BAM-148 ALBM. The master part started out from a piece of styrene tube for the main body, a cone section from one of the kits drop tanks that forms the nozzle and the nose cone is from a writing pen. In case you were wondering, BAM stands for Big Ass Missile. 


Camo Mudhen work list

Revell 1/48 scale F-15E kit

Shull resin LAU-128s

Custom made resin centerline pylon 

Scratchbuilt then pressure cast BAM-148 Air-launched Ballistic Missile 

BAM-148 Missile rail is resin 

Nose gear is Scale Aircraft Conversion replacement 

Sniper pod is resin copy

Afterburner nozzles plug are disk of styrene. 


Paint scheme

Inspired by “PantherG” from What-if Modeler forum. To see more of his work, look here;u=4233



Model was preshaded with Flat Black and airbrush stencils

Testors Model Master paint 

Gunship Gray

Dark green

Medium green 

Light gray

Euro 1 gray 



Post shaded with dark tones of each color 

Weathering done was Winsor & Newton Oils and Tamiya Weathering Master set C 


Kit decals but mission marking from Afterburner Decals 


USAF Wild Weasel Saab Viggen


Republic of China Air Force Forward-swept wing IDF F-CK-1C